Follow Ronnie to the armory and get the artillery schematics from the table and the artillery smoke grenades from the crate. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium This guide will show you how to complete the Minutemen Quest: Old Guns in Fallout 4. Hello, many of you are having a tough time ether finding the quest ID or simply finishing it due to its hiccups. 1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 3 Quest stages 4 Gallery With the Commonwealth Minutemen officially being back in business, Ronnie Shaw, an experienced Minuteman commander from the Minutemen's days of glory, has arrived at the Castle to join the faction once again. Here is the quest ID for Old Guns: Min03 To complete the quest simply use Command Console and then type: completequest Min03 Yay temp fix.

Despite how annoying you might find Preston Garvey, the Minutemen questline of Fallout 4 is a pretty rewarding one. By Polygon Staff Nov 10, 2015, 10:10am EST Share this story. The Brotherhood of Steel of Fallout 3 proudly wields laser rifles in their war against the Super Mutants. 1 Overview 2 Weapon statistics 3 Ballistic weapons 3.1 Pistols 3.2 Rifles 3.3 Shotguns 3.4 Pipe weapons 3.5 Heavy weapons 4 Energy weapons 4.1 Laser 4.2 Plasma 4.3 Other 5 Radiation weapons 5.1 Gamma 6 Poison weapons 7 Explosives 7.1 Thrown 7.2 Placed 7.3 Faction explosives 8 Traps 8.1 Placed 9 Melee weapons 9.1 Bladed 9.2 Blunt 10 Unarmed weapons 11 Renaming weapons … Chapter 32: Main Mission (completion of the mission makes The Last Minute gauss rifle available for purchase from Ronnie Shaw at level 25) The video is in: M Taking Independence. Old Guns achievement in Fallout 4: Complete 'Old Guns' - worth 30 Gamerscore. Return to the Castle Speak to Ronnie Shaw at the Castle Gain access to the Castle's armory Talk to Ronnie Shaw Build and assign artillery at the Castle Talk to Ronnie Shaw … She'll open the security door for you. Using the the newly powered … Share this on Facebook Head through the door next. There is a hidden armory somewhere in the Minutemen's base of operations. Energy weapons have been a staple of the Fallout games since their inception. Talk to Ronnie once again then you'll need to build an artillery piece.

Old Guns is both a quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. See full list on .Īfter the Castle is secured, Preston Garvey receives a message and relays it to you upon your return to Sanctuary. Old Guns Quest not starting on modded game - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting: Hi all, In my current game the old guns quest does not seem to start properly, after taking the fort, activating the radio, establishing a supply line an a a considerable amount of ingame time passed, neither preston, radio freedom or ronnie shaw appear to trigger the quest.

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